Tuesday, December 15, 2009

JOS Originals Giveaway


Win a Baby Lua

Go to http://thearmywife.com/?p=5323&cpage=1#comment-18498 for a chance to win a Baby Lua by Dittany Baby.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Kairi's 1st poopy in her potty chair

Kairi pooped in her potty chair for the first time on the night of September 27th :) She also peed. How exciting!

(Yeah, I know, it's gross, but I just had to get a picture for memorabilia!)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Long overdue

This post is long overdue. I can't believe it's been a month since my last real post. I haven't really had much time to blog. I have spent much needed time with my daughter and the time that I don't spend with her, I spend it doing homework. Occasionally, I will surf the web, play video games,and maybe watch TV.

I used to spend a lot of time on the computer. Several hours a day. I really had to cut back on how much time I spent on here. It was a little difficult for me to have to cut back as much as I needed to, but it has become quite easy. Because I cut back, I have been able to do a lot more. I used to wonder where my day went. I don't wonder so much anymore :)


School is going well so far. I am really enjoying it! My professors are super nice and my classes are fairly easy. Oddly enough, I think my math class is easier than my English class. Either way, I am doing well in both classes.

I had a math test on September 15th. I scored really well :) I got 97 percent! I only missed one question. Mrs. Jones was nice enough to give me partial credit. If she hadn't my test score wouldn't be as high. It would probably have only gone down a percentage or two though.

I have had to write two essays so far. They were fairly easy to write. The first essay, I was able to choose whatever I wanted to write about and however I wanted to write. The topic I chose was Kairi and how much I enjoy/love being a parent. The second essay was a descriptive essay. We had to use all five sense to write the essay. The topics I chose for this one was labor and delivery.

I think I did pretty well on them. We got our second essays back on Monday. She said I did well on it :) I am curious as to what she thinks of my first essay. I am not sure when she is going to give our first essays back. Hrmmm.

Even though I am taking classes on campus, most of our homework is online. We used what is called MySkillsLab for English and MathXL for Math. MySkillsLab is alright. I don't really like MathXL though. The programming behind it is terrible!

Case in point: I was answering one of the questions for one of my homework assignments and when I submitted my answer it told me it was wrong. It wasn't wrong though! After trying to submit the answer several times, it finally showed me the 'correct' answer a.k.a the answer that I had tried submitting. I was soooo frustrated!


Kairi's vocabulary has sky-rocketed! She can say so many words now. She can even say some phrases. It's amazing! What's even more amazing is her weight gain. She weighed 16 pounds 10 ounces at our WIC appointment that was on August 9th. On Sunday, September 13th, we took her to Wee Care Pediatrics because she had cough, runny nose, fever, a loss of appetite, and was throwing up. When they weighed her, the scaled said 17 pounds 6 ounces!

Can you believe that? She gained 12 ounces in less than a week! That's record-breaking! She has NEVER gained that much weight in such a short amount of time. Pediasure definitely did the trick! I didn't think the Pediasure would work so quickly!

I recently converted her crib into a toddler bed. It has been an exciting transition. She loves her 'new' bed! She really enjoys climbing jumping on it. She has been sleeping in it for the past one and a half nights. It would have been two full nights had there not been a thunderstorm. Tyler and I were afraid the thunderstorm would wake her up and scare her. To be on the safe side we put her in our bed.
It was nice having her next to me, again. I love co-sleeping! We have been co-sleeping since Kairi was born. Co-sleeping has given me this sense of security and comfort. As much as I have enjoyed having Kairi next to me, I think I will enjoy just sleeping with Tyler. Kairi is a major bed hog!

I am so glad that the transition from our bed to her bed has been so seamless. I was so afraid that she might not take well to sleeping on her own, but in fact, she doesn't mind it at all. I sometimes have to wait until she falls asleep elsewhere before putting her in her bed though.

After doing a lot of research and asking people what their opinions were, I finally decided on a potty chair; a pink BabyBjorn potty chair. I ordered it on Amazon.com a few nights ago and just received it today :) Kairi and I were out and about all day today so we didn't get a chance to try it out until about two and a half hours ago.

She took to it better than I had thought she would. I started off by showing her the potty then telling her what it was. I then had her sit down with all of her clothes on to try and help her get used to sitting on it. I was curious as to how she would react to sitting on it with her bare butt so after letting her sitting on it fully clothes for a minute or so, I took her leggings and diaper off and sat her down.

She really enjoyed sitting there. She was even leaning back for awhile. Not even a minute had passed before she peed in her chair! It was funny watching her watch herself pee. She just had this blank expression as she watched her the little tray attached to her chair fill up with pee. Now granted, there was only a little bit of pee. But still. It seemed to interest her. After all was said and done, I wiped her, flushed her pee down the toilet, and then we celebrated by letting her eating some Cheetos (one of her new favorite snacks) while I called/texted/tweeted to tell my friends about family about the exciting news.

Looking back, I wish I would have taken a picture of her pee as memorabilia. As weird as that may sound. *sigh* Oh well. I will definitely take a picture tomorrow, if/when she pees in her potty again.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Cloth Diapers

Cloth Diaper Giveaway at http://bit.ly/3Mw4H9.

Friday, August 21, 2009


I start school on Monday. It will be my very first day of college. Boy am I nervous. I haven't been in school since 2006. I wish I would have started college a lot sooner. Better late than never though.

I don't have my school books yet :/ That is making me more nervous than anything. I need two books; a math and English one. Both will cost me about $300 total. Can you believe that? $300 for TWO books!!! That's ridiculous. The other day, my sister-in-law told me that one of her books was going to cost her $280. Now granted, it's a medical book. But come on!

On a more positive note, the campus is about a mile away from where I live. I will hopefully be getting a bicycle for school soon. I really want a beach cruiser! Tyler and I have been planning to get matching bikes. The only thing stopping us right now, I think, is money. My fingers are crossed that I get a bicycle in the next month. Or less.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


...is finally home! I woke up at 10:30 this morning to the sound of my doorbell. I got out of bed and thought to myself, "Is it the UPS guy??" and sure enough, it was him! He was standing there with a big box that I knew for a fact had my computer inside.

I am as content as I can possibly be with the exception that I have to clean the house. I have a feeling today is going to be a very good day :) As good a day as yesterday if not better!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I was watching 10 Things I Hate About You (the TV series) and got thinking about all the TV shows I used to watch when I was a kid. I wrote up a list of some of the shows that I used to watch and wish I could watch all over again.

Here's the list:
Boy Meets World, Are You Afraid of the Dark, Clarissa Explains It All, The Secret World of Alex Mack, The Babysitters Club, Dinosaurs, Goosebumps, Growing Pains, Angela Anaconda, The Wonder Years, Bobby's World, Darkwing Duck, The Gummy Bears, DuckTales, Talespin, Daria, Recess, Pepper Ann, The Wild Thornberrys, All That, Keenan and Kel, So Weird, Smart Guy, The Famous Jett Jackson, Doug, PB&J Otter, etc.

The TV shows nowadays just aren't what they used to be :( I sometimes wish being a kid. if I could, I would go back in time and watch all those TV shows I just listed. I would love to have them on DVD! That would be absolutely fantastic!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Suzi Homemaker Giveaway!


My computer..

is finally home! :) I got a couple of days ago!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Still no computer :[

So I sent my computer in to get repaired the day before July 4th. It is now July 15th and I am getting very impatient waiting for its return. I have been using Ryan's desktop for the past week or so. I haven't been using it as much the past few days though. Ryan has had a lot of work to do that I am sure he needs to get done quite soon. I feel bad bumming off his computer. Tyler's computer is no longer connected to our router which isn't a big deal. I could easily hook it back up. I just don't feel like bothering.

In other news, I went to the theater in Jordan Landing with Melody and Sean yesterday. I got us free tickets to see (500) Days of Summer. Jordan Landing is pretty far from where I live. It's a good 40 or so minute drive and that's if traffic is good. The drive was well worth it though. I hope Sean thought so too since he was the once who drove us there.

The movie was fantastic which makes me even more bummed that my friend Julianne missed it. She, unfortunately, was/is feeling "craptacular" as she likes to say. I hope she's feeling better by the time the weekend rolls around. Her and I will hopefully be going to the Treehouse Museum on Monday morning. I have never been there and have wanted to go since January. We tried planning a trip there but that fell through.

Melody renewed Little Big Planet yesterday! We didn't get to play it though. We are, however, going to be playing it tomorrow! I am soooo excited. LBP is one of my favorite games. It's so much fun. Even more so with Melody =] If I am not mistaken, we're going to play LBP on Saturday and Sunday as well.

Well, that is it for now. I am going to get off the computer and go lay Paper Mario. I am really close to beating it!

Monday, July 06, 2009

I want this Boppy slipcover!

It's soooo cute.

I won!

"The winner of the Jack and Lily My Shoes Giveaway is comment #41

Miss Sophie said...

My favorite is the Solid / black patent (532) shoes.

My e-mail address is XXXXX
June 17, 2009 3:37 PM"

Wahoo! I won a pair of shoes for Kairi =] I'm stoked.

Bath Luve Giveaway!


Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Dum di dum dum

Today was our last day of swim class. Tyler took my car to work and got home late which in turn made us late to class. That's okay thought. I kind of didn't want to go today. The water was cold the past few times we went. No bueno. We don't even get halfway through class before Kairi starts shivering and her lips start turning a blueish purple.

The teacher gave us what I like to call a report card. She said Kairi did well for her age/size and told me to keep practicing with her. I am thinking of enrolling Kairi in the same class next year. She will be older and understand things better. She will have a better idea of what to do.

Ryan and Tyler left around 7:00PM to get his car that was left in Kansas. Hopefully, it doesn't break down again and if it does, I hope it breaks down in Utah. The city in Kansas where they are driving to is 12 hours away so they won't be back until tomorrow night.

Jasmin is staying the night so Kairi and I aren't alone. I am looking forward to it. She always plays Mario Party with me :)

Well, I have to get going. I need to print some menus and business cards for my mother. I am not sure when I will be posting again. I had to send my computer off for repair :( There always seems to be something wrong with my computer. Boo. I have been using Tyler's computer. It's a great computer but for some reason the internet is slow on it so I don't like using it often.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


..and Tyler are finally here! They got here about an hour ago :)

Friday, June 26, 2009


I have never used the expression "TGIF" before. I have always enjoyed Fridays but never felt the need to express so by saying, "TGIF". I, however, felt like saying it today because today is a really good Friday :)

I woke up on the right side of the bed. So to speak. I haven't had breakfast yet though. I thought I would update my blog first then go eat breakfast. After breakfast, I have to finish cleaning the house. I don't have much left so it should be easy.

I have to take Tyler to the airport around 3 o'clock today. His flight leaves at 5:00. I'm excited. Not because he will be gone, but because when he gets home it will be with Ryan :) They are planning on driving out here tonight. If they stick with the plan then they should be here tomorrow evening. I am looking forward to them getting here.

While Tyler's gone, I have somewhat of a fun weekend planned for Kairi and I. After we drop Tyler off at the airport, I am planning on visiting my friend Bobby then heading over to my friend Melanie's house, where I may or may not stay the night. We will see. Kairi and I are going to the Hogle Zoo tomorrow morning with Grandma Mace, Aunt Brittney, Aunt Dakota, and Jayden. It should be a lot of fun. We haven't been since Kairi was really little. I am excited to take her this time around since she is older now and will be to enjoy it more. We might even ride the train this time.

Well, I have to get cleaning. I have already put it off long enough.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Away We Go

There is a great website that gives out, when available, tickets for screeners. The website name is Film Metro. I highly recommend signing up for an account there and checking back frequently for screeners in your area!

Awhile back, I reserved tickets for a screener of Away We Go which Tyler and I went and saw yesterday night. Needless to say, it was a great movie and I loved it. Easily one of my favorites. I cannot wait for it to come out on Blu-ray. Before the movie started, a guy from the radio station 101.9 gave out t-shirts and three items pertaining to the movie. One of the items was a copy of the screenplay AND I got it :]

That is it in the picture!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Kairi, Kairi, Ryan, and more Kairi.

Kairi has 4 teeth coming in that I can see/feel. Once these 4 teeth come in, she will have a total of 14 teeth! That seems like a lot, doesn't it? Teething doesn't seem to be bothering her so much anymore. She's such a trooper. It's hard for me to remember her without teeth.

Her vocabulary has gotten pretty big! She knows 10+ words now. She can say momma, mommy, dada, daddy, papa, baby, kitty, apple, Tyler, Sophie, don't, uh-uh, uh-oh, yeah, and go. She can sign a little bit too. She signs 'more' and 'food' a lot. I have been trying to teach her how to sign 'milk' and a few , but she is so stubborn and refuses to. I put Signing Time on for her everyday :] I think it helps. She loves watching and dancing to all of them. It's great!

She's becoming more independent everyday. It's amazing watching her grow and learn. She went from being totally helpless to being able to crawl, walk, run, climb, talk, open & close things, and feed herself among other things. I love her personality and how fun she has become!

Ryan will be out here in ~5 days! I am looking forward to having him as a roommate. I think he will be a great rooomate :]

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Secret Life Party

I had a party yesterday to celebrate the season 3 premiere of The Secret Life of the American Teenager. It didn't pan out how I thought it would. The disc they sent me only showed a sneak peak of the season 3 premiere. It was quite a disappointed as I had thought it was going to show the whole premiere :( Overall, the party was good. There was delicious snacks! I made crepes, Julianne brought easy peasy cheesy puffs, and Carla brought chips, dip, salsa, and cookies. We also watched sneak peaks of Make It or Break It, 10 Things I Hate About You, and Ruby and The Rockits. I liked Make It or Break It and 10 Things I Hate About You. Ruby and The Rockits didn't really catch my interest. After watching the sneak peaks, we all played Apples to Apples. I love that game! The night ended with a game of poker and listening to music on YouTube.com.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


is amazing. The end.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Kairi's doctor visit.

Kairi's visit to the doctor yesterday went well. She only had to get the DTaP vaccine :) I was so relieved to hear she only needed to get one shot! She usually has to get five.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Happy Birthday, Tyler!

It's Tyler 23rd birthday today! Happy birthday to him! <3

Monday, June 08, 2009

Swimming, birthday, and more.

I signed Kairi and myself up for Parent and Child swim classes last month. Our first class was today from 6:15 to 6:45. It wasn't what I expected but I enjoyed it. Kairi really enjoyed it up until she got cold and started shivering. Our next class is in two days. I'm really looking forward to seeing Kairi's progress when we are done with our final class!

Tyler's birthday is tomorrow! He is going to be 23. I wish we had more money so I could do get him something special. I plan on having breakfast ready, his lunch packed, and a special dinner for when he gets home from work. I really wanted to go camping for his birthday but we don't have any camping gear nor did we have enough time to plan the trip. Ashley (Tyler's sisters), Nate (Ashley's boyfriend), and I are hopefully, going to have a BBQ at Nate's house for his birthday. The BBQ won't be until at least Thursday. We'll see.

I have a fairly busy day tomorrow. I have to get up pretty early in the morning and take Kairi to the doctor's office to get her immunization shots. She was sick at her 15 month appmt so we had to postpone giving her shots. I have to stop by the library and drop of the Signing Time DVD that I borrowed and then I have to come home and clean the house. Tyler and mine's friend Ryan is moving out here at the end of this month which means I need to start cleaning and organizing the spare bedroom :S I have no idea where I am going to put Kairi's swing, walker, and other stuff!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Today was an eventful day

Kairi and I went to the HAFB Air Show today with my friend Brittany. It was my first time going. I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a great experience. Needless to say, it was very crowded. There were millions of people there. Okay, maybe not millions but it sure seemed liked it.

The weather started out great but got hotter and hotter as the day progressed. Hello, I am Sophie and I smell my boyfriend to see if he has shit recently. Weird, huh? Yeah, I am. My shoulders, upper back, upper chest, and the front of my thighs are all sunburnt :( Not only that, but I didn't bring any water or anything so by the time we left, I was extremely thirsty. None of the booths accepted credit and I did NOT want to wait in the ATM line. It took Brittany 20 minutes or so to get to the ATM when we got there.

As much as I enjoyed the show, I was really looking forward to going home. We were there a LOT longer than I thought we were going to be. We got there around 9:40AM and didn't leave until about 4:30PM. I didn't expect for the show to last as long as it did. I thought the show was going to be a few hours at most.

Kairi used a spoon for the first time today! She did so well. I am very impressed with her. She has been learning so much at such a fast space. It really amazes me. I sure do love that little girl. She's makes me unbelievably happy :D

Friday, June 05, 2009

Growth percentile charts

All the growth percentile charts I have used say that Kairi is in the 0th percentile for height and weight. I can't get over how tiny she is!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Sorority Life on Facebook

As stupid as Sorority Life is, I enjoy it. I have been playing it more than I have been playing WoW lately. I need to play WoW more. After all, I am paying for it. Anyways. Tyler and I are watching The Shunned; a lower budget horror film. The film so far is meh. Hopefully, the ending is good.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009


I know so many people who are my age, give or take a year or two, who have babies and/or are pregnant. It's insane!

Monday, June 01, 2009

It's raining!

I haven't heard it rain this hard in a long time. I love the rain! I am going to sleep soundly tonight :)


It has been over a year since my last post! I can't believe it has been such a loooong time. I have been posting in my blog at WordPress.com. I decided to switch over to blogspot.com about two days ago. Actually, I don't know if I will be switching but I will definitely be using this blog. I really like WP and am not sure if I want to fully give it up right now. We'll see what happens. I am still working on my layout. There's a couple of things I need to test and want to add. Hopefully, within the next hour I will be done!