Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Dum di dum dum

Today was our last day of swim class. Tyler took my car to work and got home late which in turn made us late to class. That's okay thought. I kind of didn't want to go today. The water was cold the past few times we went. No bueno. We don't even get halfway through class before Kairi starts shivering and her lips start turning a blueish purple.

The teacher gave us what I like to call a report card. She said Kairi did well for her age/size and told me to keep practicing with her. I am thinking of enrolling Kairi in the same class next year. She will be older and understand things better. She will have a better idea of what to do.

Ryan and Tyler left around 7:00PM to get his car that was left in Kansas. Hopefully, it doesn't break down again and if it does, I hope it breaks down in Utah. The city in Kansas where they are driving to is 12 hours away so they won't be back until tomorrow night.

Jasmin is staying the night so Kairi and I aren't alone. I am looking forward to it. She always plays Mario Party with me :)

Well, I have to get going. I need to print some menus and business cards for my mother. I am not sure when I will be posting again. I had to send my computer off for repair :( There always seems to be something wrong with my computer. Boo. I have been using Tyler's computer. It's a great computer but for some reason the internet is slow on it so I don't like using it often.

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