Friday, June 19, 2009

Kairi, Kairi, Ryan, and more Kairi.

Kairi has 4 teeth coming in that I can see/feel. Once these 4 teeth come in, she will have a total of 14 teeth! That seems like a lot, doesn't it? Teething doesn't seem to be bothering her so much anymore. She's such a trooper. It's hard for me to remember her without teeth.

Her vocabulary has gotten pretty big! She knows 10+ words now. She can say momma, mommy, dada, daddy, papa, baby, kitty, apple, Tyler, Sophie, don't, uh-uh, uh-oh, yeah, and go. She can sign a little bit too. She signs 'more' and 'food' a lot. I have been trying to teach her how to sign 'milk' and a few , but she is so stubborn and refuses to. I put Signing Time on for her everyday :] I think it helps. She loves watching and dancing to all of them. It's great!

She's becoming more independent everyday. It's amazing watching her grow and learn. She went from being totally helpless to being able to crawl, walk, run, climb, talk, open & close things, and feed herself among other things. I love her personality and how fun she has become!

Ryan will be out here in ~5 days! I am looking forward to having him as a roommate. I think he will be a great rooomate :]

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