Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Still no computer :[

So I sent my computer in to get repaired the day before July 4th. It is now July 15th and I am getting very impatient waiting for its return. I have been using Ryan's desktop for the past week or so. I haven't been using it as much the past few days though. Ryan has had a lot of work to do that I am sure he needs to get done quite soon. I feel bad bumming off his computer. Tyler's computer is no longer connected to our router which isn't a big deal. I could easily hook it back up. I just don't feel like bothering.

In other news, I went to the theater in Jordan Landing with Melody and Sean yesterday. I got us free tickets to see (500) Days of Summer. Jordan Landing is pretty far from where I live. It's a good 40 or so minute drive and that's if traffic is good. The drive was well worth it though. I hope Sean thought so too since he was the once who drove us there.

The movie was fantastic which makes me even more bummed that my friend Julianne missed it. She, unfortunately, was/is feeling "craptacular" as she likes to say. I hope she's feeling better by the time the weekend rolls around. Her and I will hopefully be going to the Treehouse Museum on Monday morning. I have never been there and have wanted to go since January. We tried planning a trip there but that fell through.

Melody renewed Little Big Planet yesterday! We didn't get to play it though. We are, however, going to be playing it tomorrow! I am soooo excited. LBP is one of my favorite games. It's so much fun. Even more so with Melody =] If I am not mistaken, we're going to play LBP on Saturday and Sunday as well.

Well, that is it for now. I am going to get off the computer and go lay Paper Mario. I am really close to beating it!

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