Monday, June 08, 2009

Swimming, birthday, and more.

I signed Kairi and myself up for Parent and Child swim classes last month. Our first class was today from 6:15 to 6:45. It wasn't what I expected but I enjoyed it. Kairi really enjoyed it up until she got cold and started shivering. Our next class is in two days. I'm really looking forward to seeing Kairi's progress when we are done with our final class!

Tyler's birthday is tomorrow! He is going to be 23. I wish we had more money so I could do get him something special. I plan on having breakfast ready, his lunch packed, and a special dinner for when he gets home from work. I really wanted to go camping for his birthday but we don't have any camping gear nor did we have enough time to plan the trip. Ashley (Tyler's sisters), Nate (Ashley's boyfriend), and I are hopefully, going to have a BBQ at Nate's house for his birthday. The BBQ won't be until at least Thursday. We'll see.

I have a fairly busy day tomorrow. I have to get up pretty early in the morning and take Kairi to the doctor's office to get her immunization shots. She was sick at her 15 month appmt so we had to postpone giving her shots. I have to stop by the library and drop of the Signing Time DVD that I borrowed and then I have to come home and clean the house. Tyler and mine's friend Ryan is moving out here at the end of this month which means I need to start cleaning and organizing the spare bedroom :S I have no idea where I am going to put Kairi's swing, walker, and other stuff!

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